Why is About.me so Important?

About.me is a single site with access to all your personal social media site information(Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Formspring, etc) and analytics on who comes to visit and what they read about you. Any user can figure out exactly who comes to look at their data. About.me allows users to personalize their own page by allowing them to choose their own fonts, colors, background style, and picture.

Profile Statistics: Users can monitor how many views, clicks, and links there are to their personal site. This can be done daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Historical statistics are also available. It shows average time spent on profile, total views, and percent of new visitors.

Datastacks: Shows the users activity. When an individual updates their Facebook or Twitter these updates are added to your about.me datastacks page. Weekly updates are provided to show you how many tweets or status updates you make per week as well as an per week average. This page also provides your reach which includes your friends and followers. It also allows you to see who you @reply.

Promote: There is an options to promote your about.me page to help improve your traffic by e-mail (Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, Windows Live); Social Web (Facebook & Twitter); an Embedded Link; Search Engines; & Google Adwords.

All of this might sound a bit complex, but it is not. Make your about.me today and see how straight forward it is. If you own your own business or looking for a new job this site is a great way to get yourself known on the web in a professional manner.


Tony Conrad is the co-founder of About.me. Mr. Conrad is from Indiana, but has also lived in Chicago, New York, New Delhi, Paris, Jakarta, and San Francisco. For more information on Tony check out his About.me page.


